Stroika Library 3.0d16
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Git Tags and Branches

Major Release Versions

  • v3* - requires C++20 or later; actively evolving
  • v2.1* - requires C++17 or later; stable, and in maintainance
  • v2.0* - requires C++14 or later; stable, and in maintainance


  • v3-Release

    Roughly once per week (to once per-month) - a release is merged from the v3-Dev branch. When we do a release we run and record all the regression tests, including performance tests. Nearly every time we do a release, all regression tests pass fully (or mostly - sometimes exceptions).

  • v3-Dev

    The development branch may not be stable, and represents work in progress.

  • v2.1-Release

    Roughly once per week (to once per-month) - a release is merged from the v2.1-Dev branch. When we do a release we run and record all the regression tests, including performance tests. Nearly every time we do a release, all regression tests pass fully (or mostly - sometimes exceptions).

  • v2.1-Dev

    The development branch may not be stable, and represents work in progress.

  • v2.0-Dev

    The development branch may not be stable, and represents work in progress.

  • v2.0-Release

    Roughly once per week (to once per-month) - a release is merged from the V2.0-Dev branch. When we do a release we run and record all the regression tests, including performance tests. Nearly every time we do a release, all regression tests pass fully.

  • v2.0-Stable

    This is based on V2.0-Release, but lags behind by typically weeks or months, and represents a snapshot thats been used in other products and appears to be working well.


Each v2.x release is taged vITSVERSION, for example, v2.0a205