This documetation is incomplete, and really has little to do with Stroika, but has been frequently requested, so I'm adding some brief docs on this.
Note also - much of this (in perhaps more detail) can be gleaned (programatically) from the reading the Docker files
Or better yet, can be avoided entirely by just using the pre-built docker containers Quick-Start.
What all build platforms require (overview)
- c++ compiler supporting C++20 or later
- make (gnu make)
- patch
- perl
- pkg-config
- realpath
- sed
- tar
- tr
- wget
- 7za (if building with LZMA SDK – the default)
- unzip
For MacOS
- XCode (14 or later)
- install from appstore
- Then from command line
- xcode-select –install
- Homebrew can be helpful (but use whatever package mgr you wish)
- brew install gnu-sed
- brew install p7zip (if building lzma)
Building with Stroika requires
- a C++ compiler (suggested Visual 2022 or later)
- a set of unix-like build tools (suggested MSYS OR Cygwin - no need for both)
Visual 2022
- Download and run
- Install the C++ related workloads
- Desktop Development with C++ (suggested/sufficient to get started)
- On the Individual Components page
- select MFC (latest or whatever platform/toolsets you are targetting) if you want to build the LedIt, LedLineIt, and ActiveLedIt samples
- Download and install
- Add packages
- make
- p7zip
- git (not used by Stroika, but by these instructions)
- wget
- patch
- pkg-config
- automake
- dos2unix
- unzip
- jq
Via Chocolatey
Note - we've only tested building (from MSYS) using Visual Studio. We've not yet integrated building with MINGW.
- Compiler
- gcc 11 or later OR
- Stroika v3 is currently tested with gcc-11 thru gcc-14
- llvm (clang++) 14 or later
- Stroika v3 is currently tested with clang-14 thrue clang-19
- libc++ - if used - must be v 14 or later due to concept/chrono support
- automake (if building curl)
- libtool (gnu version) – (if building curl)
Other useful tools
- clang-format
npm install -g clang-format
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