Stroika Library 3.0d16
No Matches
2 * Copyright(c) Sophist Solutions, Inc. 1990-2025. All rights reserved
3 */
5namespace Stroika::Frameworks::Led {
7 /*
8 ********************************************************************************
9 *********************** StandardStyledTextIOSrcStream **************************
10 ********************************************************************************
11 */
12 inline size_t StandardStyledTextIOSrcStream::GetCurOffset () const
13 {
14 return fCurOffset;
15 }
16 inline size_t StandardStyledTextIOSrcStream::GetSelStart () const
17 {
18 return fSelStart;
19 }
20 inline size_t StandardStyledTextIOSrcStream::GetSelEnd () const
21 {
22 return fSelEnd;
23 }
25 /*
26 ********************************************************************************
27 *********************** StandardStyledTextIOSrcStream **************************
28 ********************************************************************************
29 */
30 inline TextStore& StandardStyledTextIOSinkStream::GetTextStore () const
31 {
32 EnsureNotNull (fTextStore);
33 return *fTextStore;
34 }
35 inline shared_ptr<AbstractStyleDatabaseRep> StandardStyledTextIOSinkStream::GetStyleDatabase () const
36 {
37 return fStyleRunDatabase;
38 }
39 /*
40 @METHOD: StandardStyledTextIOSinkStream::GetInsertionStart
41 @DESCRIPTION: <p>Returns where (in TextStore marker coordinates - not relative to the sinkstream) where the next character
42 will be inserted. See also @'StandardStyledTextIOSinkStream::SetInsertionStart'</p>
43 */
44 inline size_t StandardStyledTextIOSinkStream::GetInsertionStart () const
45 {
46 return fInsertionStart;
47 }
48 /*
49 @METHOD: StandardStyledTextIOSinkStream::SetInsertionStart
50 @DESCRIPTION: <p>See also @'StandardStyledTextIOSinkStream::GetInsertionStart'</p>
51 */
52 inline void StandardStyledTextIOSinkStream::SetInsertionStart (size_t insertionStart)
53 {
54 fInsertionStart = insertionStart;
55 }
56 inline size_t StandardStyledTextIOSinkStream::GetOriginalStart () const
57 {
58 return fOriginalStart;
59 }
60 inline size_t StandardStyledTextIOSinkStream::GetCachedTextSize () const
61 {
62 return fCachedText.size ();
63 }
64 inline const vector<Led_tChar>& StandardStyledTextIOSinkStream::GetCachedText () const
65 {
66 return fCachedText;
67 }
69#if qStroika_Frameworks_Led_SupportGDI
70 /*
71 ********************************************************************************
72 *********************** StandardStyledTextInteractor ***************************
73 ********************************************************************************
74 */
75 /*
76 @METHOD: StandardStyledTextInteractor::GetCommandNames
77 @DESCRIPTION: <p>Returns command name for each of the user-visible commands produced by this module.
78 This name is used used in the constructed Undo command name, as
79 in, "Undo Change Font". You can replace this name with whatever you like.You change this value with
80 WordProcessor::SetCommandNames.</p>
81 <p> The point of this is to allow for different UI-language localizations,
82 without having to change Led itself.</p>
83 <p>See also @'StandardStyledTextInteractor::CommandNames'.</p>
84 */
85 inline const StandardStyledTextInteractor::CommandNames& StandardStyledTextInteractor::GetCommandNames ()
86 {
87 return sCommandNames;
88 }
89 /*
90 @METHOD: StandardStyledTextInteractor::SetCommandNames
91 @DESCRIPTION: <p>See @'StandardStyledTextInteractor::GetCommandNames'.</p>
92 */
93 inline void StandardStyledTextInteractor::SetCommandNames (const StandardStyledTextInteractor::CommandNames& cmdNames)
94 {
95 sCommandNames = cmdNames;
96 }
#define EnsureNotNull(p)
Definition Assertions.h:340