Stroika Library 3.0d16
No Matches
FileSystem.h File Reference
#include "Stroika/Foundation/StroikaPreComp.h"
#include <filesystem>
#include "Stroika/Foundation/Characters/String.h"
#include "Stroika/Foundation/Common/Common.h"
#include "Stroika/Foundation/Containers/Sequence.h"
#include "Stroika/Foundation/IO/AccessMode.h"
#include "Stroika/Foundation/IO/FileSystem/Common.h"
#include "Stroika/Foundation/Time/DateTime.h"
#include "FileSystem.inl"

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class  Stroika::Foundation::IO::FileSystem::Ptr


namespace  Stroika::Foundation
namespace  Stroika::Foundation::IO::FileSystem


Ptr Stroika::Foundation::IO::FileSystem::Default ()

Detailed Description

Code-Status: Alpha


 @todo - 
         MAJOR CHANGES required to accomodate std::filesystem 
         - maybe losing this alltogether, or at least big changes 
         (like using path class instead of String) - force use of ToPath ()

         Probably rename class IO::FileSystem::FileSystem to IO::FileSystem::Ptr (or FileSystemPtr)

         OLD TODOS this subsumes:
             >   Terrible name - class FileSystem inside namesapce FileSystem!

             >    Bad names. Unwise to have CLASS (singlton mgr) as same name as namespace. Not sure how to fix however.

             >   Add virtual interface and subdir for each concrete one. Tons more code to be factored in here.
                 (leave open but this woudl be a second step - once we have this in 'Ptr' doing rep a natural next step

             >   Great IDEA FROM KDJ. I USED TO support abstractfilesystem in stroika. Maybe in old code base. Used for Win32 FS versus UNIX versus MacOS FS.
                 KDJ's point is this idea should be resurected cuz its useful for stuff like TARFILEs and ZIPFILES or ISO files which act like a FS, and can be treated
                 that way.

 @todo   Consider relationship between windows GetLongPathName() and our CanonicalizePathName...

Definition in file Foundation/IO/FileSystem/Filesystem.h.