Stroika Library 3.0d16
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Stroika::Foundation::Execution::WaitableEvent Class Reference

#include <WaitableEvent.h>

Public Types

enum class  WaitStatus

Public Member Functions

 ~WaitableEvent ()=default
nonvirtual void Reset ()
nonvirtual bool GetIsSet () const noexcept
nonvirtual bool PeekIsSet () const noexcept
nonvirtual void Set ()
nonvirtual void Wait (Time::DurationSeconds timeout=Time::kInfinity)
nonvirtual WaitStatus WaitQuietly (Time::DurationSeconds timeout=Time::kInfinity)
nonvirtual void WaitUntil (Time::TimePointSeconds timeoutAt)
nonvirtual WaitStatus WaitUntilQuietly (Time::TimePointSeconds timeoutAt)
nonvirtual void WaitAndReset (Time::Duration timeout=Time::kInfinity)

Detailed Description

AutoReset Waitable Event (like Windows' CreateEvent (resetType==eManualReset, false)).

Thread-Safety Internally-Synchronized-Thread-Safety
async-signal-safety - this is NOT safe to use from signals (from - It is not safe to use the pthread_cond_signal() function in a signal handler that is invoked asynchronously Use POSIX sem_init/sem_post ()
Design Note Considered making this copyable, or at least movable, but mutex and other similar classes are not. and you can easily use shared_ptr<> on an WaitableEvent to make it copyable.
Design Note WaitForAny/WaitForAnyUntil and WaitForMultipleEvents
See also

Definition at line 80 of file WaitableEvent.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ WaitStatus

Intentionally omit case of spurious wakeup we get from condition variables.

Definition at line 166 of file WaitableEvent.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~WaitableEvent()

Stroika::Foundation::Execution::WaitableEvent::~WaitableEvent ( )
the user of this class must assure all waiters have completed their wait before destroying the event (checked with assertions).

Member Function Documentation

◆ Reset()

void Stroika::Foundation::Execution::WaitableEvent::Reset ( )

Set the event to the non-signaled state

This COULD have been called 'UnSet'.
Not Cancelation Point

Definition at line 50 of file WaitableEvent.inl.

◆ GetIsSet()

bool Stroika::Foundation::Execution::WaitableEvent::GetIsSet ( ) const

This checks if the event is currently in a triggered state. Regardless of the type of event (auto-reset or not) - this does not change the trigger state.

Not Cancelation Point

Definition at line 55 of file WaitableEvent.inl.

◆ PeekIsSet()

bool Stroika::Foundation::Execution::WaitableEvent::PeekIsSet ( ) const

This checks if the event is currently in a triggered state. Regardless of the type of event (auto-reset or not) - this does not change the trigger state.

NOT THREADSAFE - same as GetIsSet() except avoids the lock, so will be reported by TSAN (for example) as a race (cuz it is). JUST INTENDED for debug trace messages (so used in ToString).

Because of this - if testing with TSAN (thread sanitizer) - probably best to prefix functions calling this with Stroika_Foundation_Debug_ATTRIBUTE_NO_SANITIZE_THREAD

Not Cancelation Point

Definition at line 59 of file WaitableEvent.inl.

◆ Set()

void WaitableEvent::Set ( )

Set the event to the signaled state.

This COULD have been called 'Signal', or 'SetSignaled'.
Not Cancelation Point

Definition at line 96 of file WaitableEvent.cpp.

◆ Wait()

void Stroika::Foundation::Execution::WaitableEvent::Wait ( Time::DurationSeconds  timeout = Time::kInfinity)

Simple wait. Can use operator HANDLE() to do fancier waits. timeout can be negative (which triggers an immediate exception).

TimeOutException throws if the timeout is exceeeded.

Wait (0) will always throw TimeOutException regardless of the state of the event/trigger
See also
WaitQuietly ()
PeekIsSet ()
Cancelation Point

Definition at line 63 of file WaitableEvent.inl.

◆ WaitQuietly()

auto Stroika::Foundation::Execution::WaitableEvent::WaitQuietly ( Time::DurationSeconds  timeout = Time::kInfinity)

Wait the given period of time, and return true if event occurred (Set called), and false on timeout. This is mostly useful if we want a wait, for advisory purposes (say to avoid races), but don't want an exception as its not an issue to handle specially.

Returns: true (kWaitQuietlySetResult) if event signaled/occurred, and false (kWaitQuietlyTimeoutResult) if timeout

WaitQuietly (0) will always return false regardless of the state of the event/trigger
WaitQuietly() can raise exceptions, but only Thread::AborttException
See also
Wait ()
WaitUntil ()
WaitUntilQuietly ()
WaitQuietlyAndReset ()
PeekIsSet ()
Cancelation Point

Definition at line 67 of file WaitableEvent.inl.

◆ WaitUntil()

void Stroika::Foundation::Execution::WaitableEvent::WaitUntil ( Time::TimePointSeconds  timeoutAt)

TimeOutException throws if the event is not signaled before timeoutAt is exceeded (includes when reached).

See also
Wait ()
WaitQuietly ()
WaitUntilQuietly ()
WaitUntilAndReset ()
Cancelation Point

Definition at line 71 of file WaitableEvent.inl.

◆ WaitUntilQuietly()

auto Stroika::Foundation::Execution::WaitableEvent::WaitUntilQuietly ( Time::TimePointSeconds  timeoutAt)
WaitUntilQuietly() can raise exceptions, but only Thread::AbortException

Returns: true (kWaitQuietlySetResult) if event signaled/occurred, and false (kWaitQuietlyTimeoutResult) if timeout

Note - unlike condition variable - will not return with spurious wakeup. So a return of triggered means it definitely was triggered!

See also
Wait ()
WaitQuietly ()
WaitUntil ()
WaitUntilQuietlyAndReset ()
Cancelation Point

Definition at line 75 of file WaitableEvent.inl.

◆ WaitAndReset()

void Stroika::Foundation::Execution::WaitableEvent::WaitAndReset ( Time::Duration  timeout = Time::kInfinity)
See also
Wait ()
WaitUntil ()
WaitQuietly ()
WaitUntilQuietly ()
Reset ()
Cancelation Point

Unclear if this is a good idea. Its a preplacement for 'auto-reset' events in Stroika v2.1.

Definition at line 79 of file WaitableEvent.inl.

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