Stroika Library 3.0d16
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Stroika::Foundation::Traversal::RangeTraits Namespace Reference


struct  Default
struct  Default< Time::DateTime >
struct  Default< Time::Duration >
struct  Default_Arithmetic
struct  Default_Enum
struct  Default_Integral
struct  DefaultBounds
struct  DefaultDifferenceTypes
struct  DefaultOpenness
 This defines the default openness for a given type T, except for specializaitons. This is used by Explict<>, and indirectly by Range<> itself. Generally its eClosed, by default, except for the upper bound on floating point Ranges. The reason for this exception on floating point, is that its often helpful to have a series of ranges that form a partition, and that works out more easily with half-open intervals. More...
struct  Explicit
struct  ExplicitBounds
struct  ExplicitDifferenceTypes
struct  ExplicitOpenness
struct  ExplicitOpennessAndDifferenceType

Detailed Description

- ALL these RangeTraits helper classes use template <> struct instead of template<> using because as of C++17, you cannot do template specialization of using templates (otherwise using would be better)