Classes | |
class | Association_Array |
Association_Array<KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE, TRAITS> is an Array-based concrete implementation of the Association<KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE, typename TRAITS::AssociationTraitsType> container pattern. More... | |
class | Association_LinkedList |
Association_LinkedList<KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE, TRAITS> is an LinkedList-based concrete implementation of the Association<KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE, typename TRAITS::AssociationTraitsType> container pattern. More... | |
class | Bijection_LinkedList |
Bijection_LinkedList<DOMAIN_TYPE, RANGE_TYPE> is an LinkedList-based concrete implementation of the Bijection<DOMAIN_TYPE, RANGE_TYPE> container pattern. More... | |
class | Collection_Array |
Collection_Array<T> is an Array-based concrete implementation of the Collection<T> container pattern. More... | |
class | Collection_LinkedList |
Collection_LinkedList<T> is an LinkedList-based concrete implementation of the Collection<T> container pattern. More... | |
class | Collection_stdforward_list |
Collection_stdforward_list<T> is an std::forward_list (singly linked list)-based concrete implementation of the Collection<T> container pattern. More... | |
class | DenseDataHyperRectangle_Vector |
DenseDataHyperRectangle_Vector<T, INDEXES...> is an Dense Vector-based concrete implementation of the DenseDataHyperRectangle<T> container pattern. More... | |
class | Deque_DoublyLinkedList |
Deque_DoublyLinkedList<T> is an Array-based concrete implementation of the Deque<T> container pattern. More... | |
class | KeyedCollection_Array |
KeyedCollection_Array<T> is an Array-based concrete implementation of the KeyedCollection<T> container pattern. More... | |
class | KeyedCollection_LinkedList |
KeyedCollection_LinkedList<T> is an LinkedList-based concrete implementation of the KeyedCollection<T> container pattern. More... | |
class | KeyedCollection_stdhashset |
KeyedCollection_stdhashset<KEY_TYPE,MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE> is an std::map-based concrete implementation of the KeyedCollection<KEY_TYPE,MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE> container pattern. More... | |
class | Mapping_Array |
Mapping_Array<KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE, TRAITS> is an Array-based concrete implementation of the Mapping<KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE, typename TRAITS::MappingTraitsType> container pattern. More... | |
class | Mapping_LinkedList |
Mapping_LinkedList<KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE, TRAITS> is an LinkedList-based concrete implementation of the Mapping<KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE, typename TRAITS::MappingTraitsType> container pattern. More... | |
class | Mapping_stdhashmap |
Mapping_stdhashmap<KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE, TRAITS> is an std::map-based concrete implementation of the Mapping<KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE, typename TRAITS::MappingTraitsType> container pattern. More... | |
class | MultiSet_Array |
class | MultiSet_LinkedList |
class | Queue_Array |
Queue_Array<T> is an Array-based concrete implementation of the Queue<T> container pattern. More... | |
class | Queue_DoublyLinkedList |
Queue_DoublyLinkedList<T> is an Array-based concrete implementation of the Queue<T> container pattern. More... | |
class | Sequence_Array |
Sequence_Array<T> is an Array-based concrete implementation of the Sequence<T> container pattern. More... | |
class | Sequence_ChunckedArray |
Sequence_SparseSortedMapping<T> is a sparse-Array-based concrete implementation of the Sequence<T> container pattern. More... | |
class | Sequence_DoublyLinkedList |
Sequence_DoublyLinkedList<T> is an Array-based concrete implementation of the Sequence<T> container pattern. More... | |
class | Sequence_LinkedList |
Sequence_LinkedList<T> is a LinkedList-based concrete implementation of the Sequence<T> container pattern. More... | |
class | Sequence_SparseSortedMapping |
Sequence_SparseSortedMapping<T> is a sparse-Array-based concrete implementation of the Sequence<T> container pattern. More... | |
class | Sequence_stdvector |
Sequence_stdvector<T> is an std::vector-based concrete implementation of the Sequence<T> container pattern. More... | |
class | Set_Array |
Set_Array<T> is an Array-based concrete implementation of the Set<T> container pattern. More... | |
class | Set_LinkedList |
Set_LinkedList<T> is an LinkedList-based concrete implementation of the Set<T> container pattern. More... | |
class | SortedAssociation_SkipList |
SortedAssociation_SkipList<KEY_TYPE,MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE> is an SkipList-based concrete implementation of the SortedAssociation<KEY_TYPE,MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE> container pattern. More... | |
class | SortedAssociation_stdmultimap |
SortedAssociation_stdmultimap<KEY_TYPE,MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE> is an std::map-based concrete implementation of the SortedAssociation<KEY_TYPE,MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE> container pattern. More... | |
class | SortedCollection_LinkedList |
SortedCollection_LinkedList<T> is an LinkedList-based concrete implementation of the SortedCollection<T> container pattern. More... | |
class | SortedCollection_SkipList |
SortedCollection_SkipList<T> is an SkipList-based concrete implementation of the SortedCollection<T> container pattern. More... | |
class | SortedCollection_stdmultiset |
SortedCollection_stdmultiset<T> is an stdmultiset-based concrete implementation of the SortedCollection<T> container pattern. More... | |
class | SortedKeyedCollection_SkipList |
SortedKeyedCollection_SkipList<T, KEY_TYPE, TRAITS> is an SkipList-based concrete implementation of the SortedKeyedCollection<T, KEY_TYPE, TRAITS> container pattern. More... | |
class | SortedKeyedCollection_stdset |
SortedKeyedCollection_stdset<KEY_TYPE,MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE> is an std::map-based concrete implementation of the SortedKeyedCollection<KEY_TYPE,MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE> container pattern. More... | |
class | SortedMapping_SkipList |
SortedMapping_SkipList<KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE, TRAITS> is an SkipList-based concrete implementation of the Mapping<KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE, typename TRAITS::MappingTraitsType> container pattern. More... | |
class | SortedMapping_stdmap |
SortedMapping_stdmap<KEY_TYPE,MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE> is an std::map-based concrete implementation of the SortedMapping<KEY_TYPE,MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE> container pattern. More... | |
class | SortedMultiSet_SkipList |
class | SortedMultiSet_stdmap |
class | SortedSet_SkipList |
SortedSet_SkipList<T> is an std::set-based concrete implementation of the SortedSet<T> container pattern. More... | |
class | SortedSet_stdset |
SortedSet_stdset<T> is an std::set-based concrete implementation of the SortedSet<T> container pattern. More... | |
class | SparseDataHyperRectangle_stdmap |
SparseDataHyperRectangle_stdmap<T, INDEXES...> is an Dense Vector-based concrete implementation of the SparseDataHyperRectangle<T> container pattern. More... | |
class | Stack_LinkedList |
Stack_LinkedList<T> is an LinkedList-based concrete implementation of the Stack<T> container pattern. More... | |
Typedefs | |
template<typename T , size_t N> | |
using | DenseDataHyperRectangle_VectorN = typename Private_DataHyperRectangle_::template NTemplate< T, DenseDataHyperRectangle_Vector >::template Helper_< make_index_sequence< N > >::CombinedType |
template<typename KEY_TYPE , typename MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE > | |
using | Mapping_stdmap = SortedMapping_stdmap< KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE > |
template<typename T > | |
using | Set_stdset = SortedSet_stdset< T > |
template<typename T , size_t N> | |
using | SparseDataHyperRectangle_stdmapN = typename Private_DataHyperRectangle_::template NTemplate< T, SparseDataHyperRectangle_stdmap >::template Helper_< make_index_sequence< N > >::CombinedType |
using Stroika::Foundation::Containers::Concrete::DenseDataHyperRectangle_VectorN = typedef typename Private_DataHyperRectangle_::template NTemplate<T, DenseDataHyperRectangle_Vector>::template Helper_<make_index_sequence<N> >::CombinedType |
using DenseDataHyperRectangle_VectorN = DenseDataHyperRectangle_Vector<T, size_t REPEATED N TIMES>
Definition at line 52 of file DenseDataHyperRectangle_Vector.h.
using Stroika::Foundation::Containers::Concrete::Mapping_stdmap = typedef SortedMapping_stdmap<KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE> |
Definition at line 31 of file Mapping_stdmap.h.
using Stroika::Foundation::Containers::Concrete::Set_stdset = typedef SortedSet_stdset<T> |
Definition at line 26 of file Set_stdset.h.
using Stroika::Foundation::Containers::Concrete::SparseDataHyperRectangle_stdmapN = typedef typename Private_DataHyperRectangle_::template NTemplate<T, SparseDataHyperRectangle_stdmap>::template Helper_<make_index_sequence<N> >::CombinedType |
using SparseDataHyperRectangle_stdmapN = SparseDataHyperRectangle_stdmap<T, size_t REPEATED N TIMES>
Definition at line 63 of file SparseDataHyperRectangle_stdmap.h.