Stroika Library 3.0d16
No Matches
Stroika::Foundation::Containers::Association< KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE > Class Template Reference

An Association pairs key values with (possibly multiple or none) mapped_type values. Like Mapping<>, but allowing multiple items associated with 'key'. More...

#include <Association.h>

Inheritance diagram for Stroika::Foundation::Containers::Association< KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >:
Stroika::Foundation::Traversal::Iterable< T > Stroika::Foundation::Containers::Private::ArrayBasedContainer< Association_Array< KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >, Association< KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >, true > Stroika::Foundation::Containers::Concrete::Association_LinkedList< KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE > Stroika::Foundation::Containers::SortedAssociation< KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE > Stroika::Foundation::Containers::Concrete::Association_Array< KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE > Stroika::Foundation::Containers::Private::SkipListBasedContainer< SortedAssociation_SkipList< KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >, SortedAssociation< KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >, true > Stroika::Foundation::Containers::Concrete::SortedAssociation_stdmultimap< KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE > Stroika::Foundation::Containers::Concrete::SortedAssociation_SkipList< KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >


class  _IRep
 Implementation detail for Association<T> implementors. More...
struct  EqualsComparer
 Compare Associations<>s for equality. More...

Public Types

using ArchetypeContainerType = Association
using value_type = typename inherited::value_type
using key_type = KEY_TYPE
using mapped_type = MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE
- Public Types inherited from Stroika::Foundation::Traversal::Iterable< T >
using value_type = T
 value_type is an alias for the type iterated over - like vector<T>::value_type
using iterator = Iterator< T >
using const_iterator = Iterator< T >

Public Member Functions

 Association ()
nonvirtual Iterable< key_typeKeys () const
nonvirtual Iterable< mapped_typeMappedValues () const
nonvirtual Traversal::Iterable< mapped_typeLookup (ArgByValueType< key_type > key) const
 Return an Iterable<mapped_type> of all the associated items (can be empty if none). This iterable is a snapshot at the time of call (but maybe lazy COW copied snapshot so still cheap)
nonvirtual optional< mapped_typeLookupOne (ArgByValueType< key_type > key) const
 Lookup and return the first (maybe arbitrarily chosen which is first) value with this key, and throw if there are none.
template<typename THROW_IF_MISSING >
nonvirtual mapped_type LookupOneChecked (ArgByValueType< key_type > key, const THROW_IF_MISSING &throwIfMissing) const
 Lookup and return the first (maybe arbitrarily chosen which is first) value with this key, and throw if there are none.
nonvirtual mapped_type LookupOneValue (ArgByValueType< key_type > key, ArgByValueType< mapped_type > defaultValue=mapped_type{}) const
 Lookup and return the first (maybe arbitrarily chosen which is first) value with this key, and otherwise return argument value as default.
nonvirtual const Iterable< mapped_typeoperator[] (ArgByValueType< key_type > key) const
 Shortcut for Lookup.
nonvirtual bool ContainsKey (ArgByValueType< key_type > key) const
nonvirtual size_t OccurrencesOf (ArgByValueType< key_type > item) const
template<Common::IEqualsComparer< MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE > VALUE_EQUALS_COMPARER = equal_to<MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE>>
nonvirtual bool ContainsMappedValue (ArgByValueType< mapped_type > v, const VALUE_EQUALS_COMPARER &valueEqualsComparer={}) const
nonvirtual void Add (ArgByValueType< key_type > key, ArgByValueType< mapped_type > newElt)
nonvirtual void AddAll (ITERABLE_OF_ADDABLE &&items)
nonvirtual void Remove (ArgByValueType< key_type > key)
 Remove the given item (which must exist).
nonvirtual bool RemoveIf (ArgByValueType< key_type > key)
 Remove the given item, if it exists. Return true if found and removed.
nonvirtual void RemoveAll ()
 RemoveAll removes all, or all matching (predicate, iterator range, equals comparer or whatever) items.
nonvirtual void Update (const Iterator< value_type > &i, ArgByValueType< mapped_type > newValue, Iterator< value_type > *nextI=nullptr)
template<IIterableOfTo< KEY_TYPE > ITERABLE_OF_KEY_TYPE>
nonvirtual void RetainAll (const ITERABLE_OF_KEY_TYPE &items)
requires (convertible_to<invoke_result_t<ELEMENT_MAPPER, KeyValuePair<KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE>>, typename RESULT_CONTAINER::value_type> or convertible_to<invoke_result_t<ELEMENT_MAPPER, KeyValuePair<KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE>>, optional<typename RESULT_CONTAINER::value_type>>)
nonvirtual RESULT_CONTAINER Map (ELEMENT_MAPPER &&elementMapper) const
 'override' Iterable<>::Map () function so RESULT_CONTAINER defaults to Association, and improve that case to clone properties from this rep (such is rep type, comparisons etc).
template<derived_from< Iterable< KeyValuePair< KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE > > > RESULT_CONTAINER = Association<KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE>, typename INCLUDE_PREDICATE >
nonvirtual RESULT_CONTAINER Where (INCLUDE_PREDICATE &&includeIfTrue) const
template<typename CONTAINER_OF_KEYS >
nonvirtual ArchetypeContainerType WithKeys (const CONTAINER_OF_KEYS &includeKeys) const
template<typename CONTAINER_OF_Key_T >
nonvirtual CONTAINER_OF_Key_T As () const
nonvirtual bool operator== (const Association &rhs) const
nonvirtual void Accumulate (ArgByValueType< key_type > key, ArgByValueType< mapped_type > newValue, const function< mapped_type(ArgByValueType< mapped_type >, ArgByValueType< mapped_type >)> &f=[](ArgByValueType< mapped_type > l, ArgByValueType< mapped_type > r) -> mapped_type { return l+r;}, mapped_type initialValue={})
 like Add (key, newValue) - BUT newValue is COMBINED with the 'f' argument.
nonvirtual void erase (ArgByValueType< key_type > key)
 STL-ish alias for Remove ().
nonvirtual void clear ()
 STL-ish alias for RemoveAll ().
- Public Member Functions inherited from Stroika::Foundation::Traversal::Iterable< T >
 Iterable (const Iterable &) noexcept=default
 Iterable are safely copyable (by value). Since Iterable uses COW, this just copies the underlying pointer and increments the reference count.
 Iterable (Iterable &&) noexcept=default
 Iterable are safely moveable.
template<IIterableOfTo< T > CONTAINER_OF_T>
requires (not derived_from<remove_cvref_t<CONTAINER_OF_T>, Iterable<T>>)
 Iterable (CONTAINER_OF_T &&from)
 Iterable (const initializer_list< T > &from)
nonvirtual operator bool () const
nonvirtual Iterator< T > MakeIterator () const
 Create an iterator object which can be used to traverse the 'Iterable'.
nonvirtual size_t size () const
 Returns the number of items contained.
nonvirtual bool empty () const
 Returns true iff size() == 0.
template<Common::IPotentiallyComparer< T > EQUALS_COMPARER = equal_to<T>>
nonvirtual bool Contains (ArgByValueType< T > element, EQUALS_COMPARER &&equalsComparer=EQUALS_COMPARER{}) const
nonvirtual Iterator< T > begin () const
 Support for ranged for, and STL syntax in general.
nonvirtual void Apply (const function< void(ArgByValueType< T > item)> &doToElement, Execution::SequencePolicy seq=Execution::SequencePolicy::eDEFAULT) const
 Run the argument function (or lambda) on each element of the container.
template<predicate< T > THAT_FUNCTION>
nonvirtual Iterator< T > Find (THAT_FUNCTION &&that, Execution::SequencePolicy seq=Execution::SequencePolicy::eDEFAULT) const
 Run the argument bool-returning function (or lambda) on each element of the container, and return an iterator pointing at the first element (depending on seq) found true. (or use First() to do same thing but return optional<>)
template<IIterableOfFrom< T > CONTAINER_OF_T, typename... CONTAINER_OF_T_CONSTRUCTOR_ARGS>
nonvirtual T Nth (ptrdiff_t n) const
 Find the Nth element of the Iterable<>
nonvirtual T NthValue (ptrdiff_t n, ArgByValueType< T > defaultValue={}) const
 Find the Nth element of the Iterable<>, but allow for n to be out of range, and just return argument default-value.
template<derived_from< Iterable< T > > RESULT_CONTAINER = Iterable<T>, predicate< T > INCLUDE_PREDICATE>
nonvirtual RESULT_CONTAINER Where (INCLUDE_PREDICATE &&includeIfTrue) const
 produce a subset of this iterable where argument function returns true
template<Common::IPotentiallyComparer< T > EQUALS_COMPARER = equal_to<T>>
nonvirtual Iterable< T > Distinct (EQUALS_COMPARER &&equalsComparer=EQUALS_COMPARER{}) const
template<ranges::range RESULT_CONTAINER = Iterable<T>, invocable< T > ELEMENT_MAPPER>
requires (convertible_to<invoke_result_t<ELEMENT_MAPPER, T>, typename RESULT_CONTAINER::value_type> or convertible_to<invoke_result_t<ELEMENT_MAPPER, T>, optional<typename RESULT_CONTAINER::value_type>>)
nonvirtual RESULT_CONTAINER Map (ELEMENT_MAPPER &&elementMapper) const
 functional API which iterates over all members of an Iterable, applies a map function to each element, and collects the results in a new Iterable
template<typename REDUCED_TYPE = T>
nonvirtual optional< REDUCED_TYPE > Reduce (const function< REDUCED_TYPE(ArgByValueType< T >, ArgByValueType< T >)> &op) const
 Walk the entire list of items, and use the argument 'op' to combine (reduce) items to a resulting single item.
template<typename REDUCED_TYPE = T>
nonvirtual REDUCED_TYPE ReduceValue (const function< REDUCED_TYPE(ArgByValueType< T >, ArgByValueType< T >)> &op, ArgByValueType< REDUCED_TYPE > defaultValue={}) const
template<typename RESULT_T = Characters::String, invocable< T > CONVERT_TO_RESULT = decltype (kDefaultToStringConverter<>), invocable< RESULT_T, RESULT_T, bool > COMBINER = decltype (Characters::kDefaultStringCombiner)>
requires (convertible_to<invoke_result_t<CONVERT_TO_RESULT, T>, RESULT_T> and convertible_to<invoke_result_t<COMBINER, RESULT_T, RESULT_T, bool>, RESULT_T>)
nonvirtual RESULT_T Join (const CONVERT_TO_RESULT &convertToResult=kDefaultToStringConverter<>, const COMBINER &combiner=Characters::kDefaultStringCombiner) const
 ape the JavaScript/python 'join' function - take the parts of 'this' iterable and combine them into a new object (typically a string)
nonvirtual Iterable< T > Skip (size_t nItems) const
nonvirtual Iterable< T > Take (size_t nItems) const
nonvirtual Iterable< T > Slice (size_t from, size_t to) const
nonvirtual Iterable< T > Top () const
 return the top/largest (possibly just top N) values from this Iterable<T>
template<Common::IPotentiallyComparer< T > INORDER_COMPARER_TYPE = less<T>>
nonvirtual Iterable< T > OrderBy (INORDER_COMPARER_TYPE &&inorderComparer=INORDER_COMPARER_TYPE{}, Execution::SequencePolicy seq=Execution::SequencePolicy::ePar) const
template<Common::IPotentiallyComparer< T > INORDER_COMPARER_TYPE = less<T>>
nonvirtual bool IsOrderedBy (INORDER_COMPARER_TYPE &&inorderComparer=INORDER_COMPARER_TYPE{}) const
nonvirtual optional< T > First () const
 return first element in iterable, or if 'that' specified, first where 'that' is true, (or return nullopt if none)
nonvirtual T FirstValue (ArgByValueType< T > defaultValue={}) const
 return first element in iterable provided default
nonvirtual optional< T > Last () const
 return last element in iterable, or if 'that' specified, last where 'that' is true, (or return missing)
nonvirtual T LastValue (ArgByValueType< T > defaultValue={}) const
nonvirtual bool All (const function< bool(ArgByValueType< T >)> &testEachElt) const
 return true iff argument predicate returns true for each element of the iterable
nonvirtual optional< T > Min () const
template<typename RESULT_TYPE = T>
nonvirtual RESULT_TYPE MinValue (ArgByValueType< RESULT_TYPE > defaultValue={}) const
nonvirtual optional< T > Max () const
template<typename RESULT_TYPE = T>
nonvirtual RESULT_TYPE MaxValue (ArgByValueType< RESULT_TYPE > defaultValue={}) const
template<typename RESULT_TYPE = T>
nonvirtual optional< RESULT_TYPE > Mean () const
template<typename RESULT_TYPE = T>
nonvirtual RESULT_TYPE MeanValue (ArgByValueType< RESULT_TYPE > defaultValue={}) const
template<typename RESULT_TYPE = T>
nonvirtual optional< RESULT_TYPE > Sum () const
template<typename RESULT_TYPE = T>
nonvirtual RESULT_TYPE SumValue (ArgByValueType< RESULT_TYPE > defaultValue={}) const
template<constructible_from< T > RESULT_TYPE = T, Common::IPotentiallyComparer< RESULT_TYPE > INORDER_COMPARE_FUNCTION = less<RESULT_TYPE>>
nonvirtual optional< RESULT_TYPE > Median (const INORDER_COMPARE_FUNCTION &compare={}) const
template<constructible_from< T > RESULT_TYPE = T>
nonvirtual RESULT_TYPE MedianValue (ArgByValueType< RESULT_TYPE > defaultValue={}) const
nonvirtual Iterable< T > Repeat (size_t count) const
nonvirtual bool Any () const
 Any() same as not empty (); Any (includeIfTrue) returns true iff includeIfTrue returns true on any values in iterable.
nonvirtual size_t Count () const
 with no args, same as size, with function filter arg, returns number of items that pass.
nonvirtual size_t length () const
 STL-ish alias for size() - really in STL only used in string, I think, but still makes sense as an alias.

Protected Member Functions

nonvirtual tuple< _IRep *, Iterator< value_type > > _GetWritableRepAndPatchAssociatedIterator (const Iterator< value_type > &i)
 Utility to get WRITABLE underlying shared_ptr (replacement for what we normally do - _SafeReadWriteRepAccessor<_IRep>{this}._GetWriteableRep ()) but where we also handle the cloning/patching of the associated iterator.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Stroika::Foundation::Traversal::Iterable< T >
 Iterable (const shared_ptr< _IRep > &rep) noexcept
 Iterable's are typically constructed as concrete subtype objects, whose CTOR passed in a shared copyable rep.
nonvirtual Memory::SharedByValue_State _GetSharingState () const

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Stroika::Foundation::Traversal::Iterable< T >
template<ranges::range LHS_CONTAINER_TYPE, ranges::range RHS_CONTAINER_TYPE, IEqualsComparer< T > EQUALS_COMPARER = equal_to<T>>
static bool SetEquals (const LHS_CONTAINER_TYPE &lhs, const RHS_CONTAINER_TYPE &rhs, EQUALS_COMPARER &&equalsComparer=EQUALS_COMPARER{})
template<ranges::range LHS_CONTAINER_TYPE, ranges::range RHS_CONTAINER_TYPE, IEqualsComparer< T > EQUALS_COMPARER = equal_to<T>>
static bool MultiSetEquals (const LHS_CONTAINER_TYPE &lhs, const RHS_CONTAINER_TYPE &rhs, EQUALS_COMPARER &&equalsComparer=EQUALS_COMPARER{})
template<ranges::range LHS_CONTAINER_TYPE, ranges::range RHS_CONTAINER_TYPE, IEqualsComparer< T > EQUALS_COMPARER = equal_to<T>>
static bool SequentialEquals (const LHS_CONTAINER_TYPE &lhs, const RHS_CONTAINER_TYPE &rhs, EQUALS_COMPARER &&equalsComparer=EQUALS_COMPARER{}, bool useIterableSize=false)
static constexpr default_sentinel_t end () noexcept
 Support for ranged for, and STL syntax in general.
- Static Public Attributes inherited from Stroika::Foundation::Traversal::Iterable< T >
template<same_as< Characters::String > RESULT_T = Characters::String>
static const function< RESULT_T(T)> kDefaultToStringConverter
- Protected Types inherited from Stroika::Foundation::Traversal::Iterable< T >
using _SharedByValueRepType = Memory::SharedByValue< _IRep, Memory::SharedByValue_Traits< _IRep, shared_ptr< _IRep >, Rep_Cloner_ > >
 Lazy-copying smart pointer mostly used by implementors (can generally be ignored by users). However, protected because manipulation needed in some subclasses (rarely) - like UpdatableIteratable.
- Protected Attributes inherited from Stroika::Foundation::Traversal::Iterable< T >
_SharedByValueRepType _fRep

Detailed Description

template<typename KEY_TYPE, typename MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE>
class Stroika::Foundation::Containers::Association< KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >

An Association pairs key values with (possibly multiple or none) mapped_type values. Like Mapping<>, but allowing multiple items associated with 'key'.

Association which allows for the association of two elements: a key and

a value. Unlike a Mapping<>, this association may not be unique..

See also
The term 'KEY' usually implies a UNIQUE mapping to the associated value, but DOES NOT do so in this container ArcheType. Though databases generally use key to imply unique,, for example, does not.
Design Note:
We used Iterable<KeyValuePair<Key,T>> instead of Iterable<pair<Key,T>> because it makes for more readable usage (foo.fKey versus foo.first, and foo.fValue versus foo.second).
Thread-Safety C++-Standard-Thread-Safety

Concrete Implementations: o

See also
Concrete::Association_Array<> o
Concrete::Association_LinkedList<> o
Concrete::SortedAssociation_stdmap<> o


See also
<> to see default implementations.
Container Element comparisons: See about ElementInOrderComparerType, ElementThreeWayComparerType and GetElementThreeWayComparer etc

Design Note: Included <map> and have explicit CTOR for multimap<> so that Stroika Association can be used more interoperably with multimap<> - and used without an explicit CTOR. Use Explicit CTOR to avoid accidental conversions. But if you declare an API with Association<KEY_TYPE,MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE> arguments, its important STL sources passing in multimap<> work transparently.

Similarly for std::initializer_list.

See for common features of all Stroika containers (especially constructors, iterators, etc)
Comparisons: o operator==(Association& rhs) requires (equality_comparable<MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE>);
Two Associations are considered equal if they contain the same elements (keys) and each key is associated
with the same value. There is no need for the items to appear in the same order for the two Associations to
be equal. There is no need for the backends to be of the same underlying representation either (stlmap
vers LinkedList).

\pre lhs and rhs arguments must have the same (or equivalent) EqualsComparers.

@todo - document computational complexity

ThreeWayComparer support is NOT provided for Association, because there is no intrinsic ordering among the elements
of the Association (keys) - even if there was some way to compare the values.

Definition at line 113 of file Association.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ ArchetypeContainerType

template<typename KEY_TYPE , typename MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >
using Stroika::Foundation::Containers::Association< KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >::ArchetypeContainerType = Association

Use this typedef in templates to recover the basic functional container pattern of concrete types.

Definition at line 124 of file Association.h.

◆ value_type

template<typename KEY_TYPE , typename MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >
using Stroika::Foundation::Containers::Association< KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >::value_type = typename inherited::value_type
See also

Definition at line 130 of file Association.h.

◆ key_type

template<typename KEY_TYPE , typename MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >
using Stroika::Foundation::Containers::Association< KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >::key_type = KEY_TYPE

like std::multimap<>::key_type

Definition at line 136 of file Association.h.

◆ mapped_type

template<typename KEY_TYPE , typename MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >
using Stroika::Foundation::Containers::Association< KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >::mapped_type = MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE

like std::multimap<>::mapped_type

Definition at line 142 of file Association.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Association()

template<typename KEY_TYPE , typename MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >
requires (IEqualsComparer<equal_to<KEY_TYPE>, KEY_TYPE>)
Stroika::Foundation::Containers::Association< KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >::Association ( )

This constructor creates a concrete Association object, either empty, or initialized with any argument values.

The underlying data structure (and performance characteristics) of the Association is defined by

See also
Example Usage
std::map<int,int> m;
Association<int,int> m1 = {{1, 1}, {2, 2}, {3, 2}};
Association<int,int> m2 = m1;
Association<int,int> m3{ m1 };
Association<int,int> m4{ m1.begin (), m1.end () };
Association<int,int> m5{ c };
Association<int,int> m6{ m };
Association<int,int> m7{ m.begin (), m.end () };
Association<int,int> m8{ move (m1) };
Association<int,int> m9{ Common::DeclareEqualsComparer ([](int l, int r) { return l == r; }) };
An Association pairs key values with (possibly multiple or none) mapped_type values....
A Collection<T> is a container to manage an un-ordered collection of items, without equality defined ...
Definition Collection.h:102
nonvirtual Iterator< T > begin() const
Support for ranged for, and STL syntax in general.
static constexpr default_sentinel_t end() noexcept
Support for ranged for, and STL syntax in general.
constexpr Common::ComparisonRelationDeclaration< ComparisonRelationType::eEquals, remove_cvref_t< FUNCTOR > > DeclareEqualsComparer(FUNCTOR &&f)
DeclareEqualsComparer () marks a FUNCTOR (lambda or not) as being a FUNCTOR which compares for equali...
Definition Compare.inl:31
Even though the initializer_list<> is of KeyValuePair, you can pass along pair<> objects just as well.
See general information about container constructors that applies here

Definition at line 25 of file Association.inl.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Keys()

template<typename KEY_TYPE , typename MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >
Iterable< KEY_TYPE > Stroika::Foundation::Containers::Association< KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >::Keys ( ) const

Keys () returns an Iterable object with just the key part of the Association.

Keys () will return a an Iterable producing (iterating) elements in the same order as the collection it is created from.

It is equivalent to copying the underlying collection and 'projecting' the key fields.

Note the returned Iterable is detached from the original, and doesn't see any changes to it, and its lifetime is like a copy of a shared_ptr - lasts as long as the reference.

Design Note: The analagous method in - Dictionary<TKey, TValue>.KeyCollection ( returns a live reference to the underlying keys. We could have (fairly easily) done that, but I didn't see the point.

In .net, the typical model is that you have a pointer to an object, and pass around that pointer (so by reference semantics) - so this returning a live reference makes more sense there.

Since Stroika containers are logically copy-by-value (even though lazy-copied), it made more sense to apply that lazy-copy (copy-on-write) paradigm here, and make the returned set of keys a logical copy at the point 'keys' is called.


See also
MappedValues ()

Definition at line 113 of file Association.inl.

◆ MappedValues()

template<typename KEY_TYPE , typename MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >
Iterable< MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE > Stroika::Foundation::Containers::Association< KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >::MappedValues ( ) const

MappedValues () returns an Iterable object with just the value part of the Association.

MappedValues () will return a an Iterable producing (iterating) elements in the same order as the collection it is created from.

It is equivalent to copying the underlying collection and 'projecting' the value fields.

Note the returned Iterable is detached from the original, and doesn't see any changes to it, and its lifetime is like a copy of a shared_ptr - lasts as long as the reference.

Design Note: The analogous method in - Dictionary<TKey, TValue>.ValueCollection ( returns a live reference to the underlying keys. We could have (fairly easily) done that, but I didn't see the point.

In .net, the typical model is that you have a pointer to an object, and pass around that pointer (so by reference semantics) - so this returning a live reference makes more sense there.

Since Stroika containers are logically copy-by-value (even though lazy-copied), it made more sense to apply that lazy-copy (copy-on-write) paradigm here, and make the returned set of keys a logical copy at the point 'keys' is called.

Image ()


See also
Keys ()

Definition at line 118 of file Association.inl.

◆ LookupOne()

template<typename KEY_TYPE , typename MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >
optional< MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE > Stroika::Foundation::Containers::Association< KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >::LookupOne ( ArgByValueType< key_type key) const

Lookup and return the first (maybe arbitrarily chosen which is first) value with this key, and throw if there are none.


Definition at line 128 of file Association.inl.

◆ LookupOneChecked()

template<typename KEY_TYPE , typename MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >
template<typename THROW_IF_MISSING >
nonvirtual mapped_type Stroika::Foundation::Containers::Association< KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >::LookupOneChecked ( ArgByValueType< key_type key,
const THROW_IF_MISSING &  throwIfMissing 
) const

Lookup and return the first (maybe arbitrarily chosen which is first) value with this key, and throw if there are none.


◆ LookupOneValue()

template<typename KEY_TYPE , typename MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >
MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE Stroika::Foundation::Containers::Association< KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >::LookupOneValue ( ArgByValueType< key_type key,
ArgByValueType< mapped_type defaultValue = mapped_type{} 
) const

Lookup and return the first (maybe arbitrarily chosen which is first) value with this key, and otherwise return argument value as default.


Definition at line 148 of file Association.inl.

◆ operator[]()

template<typename KEY_TYPE , typename MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >
auto Stroika::Foundation::Containers::Association< KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >::operator[] ( ArgByValueType< key_type key) const

Shortcut for Lookup.

if key is not in the container, an empty iterable will be returned.

Definition at line 158 of file Association.inl.

◆ ContainsKey()

template<typename KEY_TYPE , typename MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >
bool Stroika::Foundation::Containers::Association< KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >::ContainsKey ( ArgByValueType< key_type key) const

Synonym for Lookup (key).has_value ()

same as OccurrencesOf (key) != 0

Definition at line 163 of file Association.inl.

◆ OccurrencesOf()

template<typename KEY_TYPE , typename MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >
size_t Stroika::Foundation::Containers::Association< KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >::OccurrencesOf ( ArgByValueType< key_type item) const

OccurrencesOf() returns the number of occurrences of 'item' in the association.

Definition at line 168 of file Association.inl.

◆ ContainsMappedValue()

template<typename KEY_TYPE , typename MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >
template<Common::IEqualsComparer< MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE > VALUE_EQUALS_COMPARER = equal_to<MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE>>
nonvirtual bool Stroika::Foundation::Containers::Association< KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >::ContainsMappedValue ( ArgByValueType< mapped_type v,
const VALUE_EQUALS_COMPARER &  valueEqualsComparer = {} 
) const

Likely inefficient, but perhaps helpful. Walks entire list of entires and applies VALUE_EQUALS_COMPARER (defaults to operator==) on each value, and returns true if contained. Perhaps not very useful but symmetric to ContainsKey().

◆ Add()

template<typename KEY_TYPE , typename MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >
void Stroika::Foundation::Containers::Association< KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >::Add ( ArgByValueType< key_type key,
ArgByValueType< mapped_type newElt 

Add the association between key and newElt. Note, this increases teh size of the container by one, even if key was already present in the association.

mutates container

Definition at line 180 of file Association.inl.

◆ AddAll()

template<typename KEY_TYPE , typename MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >
nonvirtual void Stroika::Foundation::Containers::Association< KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >::AddAll ( ITERABLE_OF_ADDABLE &&  items)

\summary Add all the argument (container or bound range of iterators) elements.

AddAll/2 is alias for .net AddRange ()
AddAll () does not return the number of items added because all items are added (so the count can be made on the iterators/diff or items.size()
mutates container

◆ Remove()

template<typename KEY_TYPE , typename MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >
void Stroika::Foundation::Containers::Association< KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >::Remove ( ArgByValueType< key_type key)

Remove the given item (which must exist).

- for the argument 'key' overload, this is a change in Stroika 2.1b14: before it was legal and silently ignored if you removed an item that didn't exist.
nextI- if provided (not null) - will be filled in with the next value after where iterator i is pointing - since i is invalidated by changing the container)
mutates container

Definition at line 212 of file Association.inl.

◆ RemoveIf()

template<typename KEY_TYPE , typename MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >
bool Stroika::Foundation::Containers::Association< KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >::RemoveIf ( ArgByValueType< key_type key)

Remove the given item, if it exists. Return true if found and removed.

mutates container

Definition at line 224 of file Association.inl.

◆ RemoveAll()

template<typename KEY_TYPE , typename MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >
void Stroika::Foundation::Containers::Association< KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >::RemoveAll ( )

RemoveAll removes all, or all matching (predicate, iterator range, equals comparer or whatever) items.

The no-arg overload removes all (quickly).

The overloads that remove some subset of the items returns the number of items so removed, and use RemoveIf() so that the argument items designated to be removed MAY not be present.

mutates container

Definition at line 229 of file Association.inl.

◆ Update()

template<typename KEY_TYPE , typename MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >
void Stroika::Foundation::Containers::Association< KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >::Update ( const Iterator< value_type > &  i,
ArgByValueType< mapped_type newValue,
Iterator< value_type > *  nextI = nullptr 

Update the value associated with the iterator 'i', without changing iteration order in any way (cuz the key not changed). Note - if iterating, because this modifies the underlying container, the caller should pass 'i' in as a reference parameter to 'nextI' to have it updated to safely continue iterating.

mutates container
As with ALL methods that modify the Association, this invalidates the iterator 'i', but if you pass nextI (can be same variable as i) - it will be updated with a valid iterator pointing to the same location.

Definition at line 299 of file Association.inl.

◆ RetainAll()

template<typename KEY_TYPE , typename MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >
template<IIterableOfTo< KEY_TYPE > ITERABLE_OF_KEY_TYPE>
nonvirtual void Stroika::Foundation::Containers::Association< KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >::RetainAll ( const ITERABLE_OF_KEY_TYPE &  items)

Remove all items from this container UNLESS they are in the argument set to RetainAll().

This restricts the 'Keys' list of Association to the argument data, but preserving any associations.

Java comparison association.keySet.retainAll (collection);
Example Usage
fStaticProcessStatsForThisSpill_.RetainAll (fDynamicProcessStatsForThisSpill_.Keys ()); // lose static data for processes no longer running
Something of an alias for 'Subset()' or 'Intersects', as this - in-place computes the subset of the Association<> that intersects with the argument keys.
mutates container

◆ Where()

template<typename KEY_TYPE , typename MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >
template<derived_from< Iterable< KeyValuePair< KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE > > > RESULT_CONTAINER = Association<KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE>, typename INCLUDE_PREDICATE >
nonvirtual RESULT_CONTAINER Stroika::Foundation::Containers::Association< KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >::Where ( INCLUDE_PREDICATE &&  includeIfTrue) const

Apply the function function to each element, and return a subset Association including just the ones for which it was true.

Alias - this could have been called 'Subset' - as it constructs a subset association (filtering on key or key-value pairs)
See also
Example Usage
Association<int, int> m{{1, 3}, {2, 4}, {3, 5}, {4, 5}, {5, 7}};
EXPECT_TRUE ((m.Where ([](const KeyValuePair<int, int>& value) { return Math::IsPrime (value.fKey); }) == Association<int, int>{{2, 4}, {3, 5}, {5, 7}}));
EXPECT_TRUE ((m.Where ([](int key) { return Math::IsPrime (key); }) == Association<int, int>{{2, 4}, {3, 5}, {5, 7}}));

◆ WithKeys()

template<typename KEY_TYPE , typename MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >
template<typename CONTAINER_OF_KEYS >
nonvirtual ArchetypeContainerType Stroika::Foundation::Containers::Association< KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >::WithKeys ( const CONTAINER_OF_KEYS &  includeKeys) const

Return a subset of this Association<> where the keys are included in the argument includeKeys set..

Alias - this could have been called 'Subset' - as it constructs a subset Association (where the given keys intersect)
See also
CONCEPT - CONTAINER_OF_KEYS must support the 'Contains' API - not that set, and Iterable<> do this.
Example Usage
Association<int, int> m{{1, 3}, {2, 4}, {3, 5}, {4, 5}, {5, 7}};
EXPECT_TRUE ((m.WithKeys ({2, 5}) == Association<int, int>{{2, 4}, {5, 7}}));

◆ As()

template<typename KEY_TYPE , typename MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >
template<typename CONTAINER_OF_Key_T >
nonvirtual CONTAINER_OF_Key_T Stroika::Foundation::Containers::Association< KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >::As ( ) const

This function should work for any container which accepts (ITERATOR_OF<KeyValuePair<Key,Value>>,ITERATOR_OF<KeyValuePair<Key,Value>>) OR (ITERATOR_OF<pair<Key,Value>>,ITERATOR_OF<pair<Key,Value>>).

These As<> overloads also may require the presence of an insert(ITERATOR, Value) method of CONTAINER_OF_Key_T.

So - for example, Sequence<KeyValuePair<key_type,ValueType>>, map<key_type,ValueType>, vector<pair<key_type,ValueType>>, etc...

◆ _GetWritableRepAndPatchAssociatedIterator()

template<typename KEY_TYPE , typename MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >
auto Stroika::Foundation::Containers::Association< KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >::_GetWritableRepAndPatchAssociatedIterator ( const Iterator< value_type > &  i)

Utility to get WRITABLE underlying shared_ptr (replacement for what we normally do - _SafeReadWriteRepAccessor<_IRep>{this}._GetWriteableRep ()) but where we also handle the cloning/patching of the associated iterator.

When you have a non-const operation (such as Remove) with an argument of an Iterator<>, then due to COW, you may end up cloning the container rep, and yet the Iterator<> contains a pointer to the earlier rep (and so maybe unusable).

Prior to Stroika 2.1b14, this was handled elegantly, and automatically, by the iterator patching mechanism. But that was deprecated (due to cost, and rarity of use), in favor of this more restricted feature, where we just patch the iterators on an as-needed basis.

Definition at line 448 of file Association.inl.

◆ operator==()

template<typename KEY_TYPE , typename MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >
requires (equality_comparable<MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE>)
bool Stroika::Foundation::Containers::Association< KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >::operator== ( const Association< KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE > &  rhs) const

simply indirect to @Association<>::EqualsComparer; only defined if there is a default equals comparer for mapped_type

since the order of iteration for an association is undefined, two associations maybe equal, but not enumerate out the same way.

Definition at line 468 of file Association.inl.

◆ Accumulate()

template<typename KEY_TYPE , typename MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >
void Stroika::Foundation::Containers::Association< KEY_TYPE, MAPPED_VALUE_TYPE >::Accumulate ( ArgByValueType< key_type key,
ArgByValueType< mapped_type newValue,
const function< mapped_type(ArgByValueType< mapped_type >, ArgByValueType< mapped_type >)> &  f = [] (ArgByValueType<mapped_type> l, ArgByValueType<mapped_type> r) -> mapped_type { return l + r; },
mapped_type  initialValue = {} 

like Add (key, newValue) - BUT newValue is COMBINED with the 'f' argument.

The accumulator function combines the previous value associated with the new value given (using initialValue if key was not already present in the map).

Definition at line 402 of file Association.inl.

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