▼ Library | |
▼ Sources | |
▼ Stroika | |
▼ Foundation | |
► Cache | |
BloomFilter.h | |
BloomFilter.inl | |
CallerStalenessCache.h | |
CallerStalenessCache.inl | |
LRUCache.h | |
LRUCache.inl | |
Memoizer.h | |
Memoizer.inl | |
Statistics.cpp | |
Statistics.h | |
Statistics.inl | |
SynchronizedCallerStalenessCache.h | |
SynchronizedCallerStalenessCache.inl | |
SynchronizedLRUCache.h | |
SynchronizedLRUCache.inl | |
SynchronizedTimedCache.h | |
SynchronizedTimedCache.inl | |
TimedCache.h | |
TimedCache.inl | |
► Characters | |
► CString | |
Utilities.cpp | |
Utilities.h | |
Utilities.inl | |
► Platform | |
► Windows | |
CodePage.cpp | |
CodePage.h | |
CodePage.inl | |
SmartBSTR.h | |
Character.cpp | |
Character.h | |
Character.inl | |
CharacterEncodingException.cpp | |
CharacterEncodingException.h | |
CharacterEncodingException.inl | |
Charset.cpp | |
Charset.h | |
Charset.inl | |
CodeCvt.cpp | |
CodeCvt.h | |
CodeCvt.inl | |
CodePage.cpp | |
CodePage.h | |
CodePage.inl | |
FloatConversion.cpp | |
FloatConversion.h | |
FloatConversion.inl | |
Format.cpp | |
Format.h | |
Format.inl | |
LineEndings.h | |
LineEndings.inl | |
RegularExpression.cpp | |
RegularExpression.h | |
RegularExpression.inl | |
SDKChar.h | |
SDKChar.inl | |
SDKString.cpp | |
SDKString.h | |
SDKString.inl | |
String.cpp | |
String.h | |
String.inl | |
String2Int.cpp | |
String2Int.h | |
String2Int.inl | |
StringBuilder.h | |
StringBuilder.inl | |
TextConvert.h | |
TextConvert.inl | |
ToString.cpp | |
ToString.h | |
ToString.inl | |
UTFConvert.cpp | |
UTFConvert.h | |
UTFConvert.inl | |
► Common | |
► Platform | |
► Windows | |
Registry.cpp | |
Registry.h | |
Registry.inl | |
Common.h | |
Common.h | |
Common.inl | |
Compare.h | |
Compare.inl | |
Concepts.h | |
Concepts.inl | |
ConceptsBase.h | |
CountedValue.h | |
CountedValue.inl | |
Empty.h | |
Endian.h | |
Endian.inl | |
Enumeration.h | |
Enumeration.inl | |
GUID.cpp | |
GUID.h | |
GUID.inl | |
KeyValuePair.h | |
KeyValuePair.inl | |
Locale.cpp | |
Locale.h | |
Locale.inl | |
ObjectForSideEffects.h | |
ObjectForSideEffects.inl | |
Property.h | |
Property.inl | |
StdCompat.h | |
StdCompat.inl | |
StroikaConfig.cpp | |
StroikaVersion.h | |
StroikaVersion.inl | |
SystemConfiguration.cpp | |
SystemConfiguration.h | |
SystemConfiguration.inl | |
TemplateUtilities.h | |
TemplateUtilities.inl | |
TypeHints.h | |
Version.cpp | |
Version.h | |
Version.inl | |
VersionDefs.h | |
VersionDefs.inl | |
► Containers | |
► Adapters | |
Adder.h | |
Adder.inl | |
► Concrete | |
Association_Array.h | |
Association_Array.inl | |
Association_LinkedList.h | |
Association_LinkedList.inl | |
Association_stdmultimap.h | |
Bijection_LinkedList.h | |
Bijection_LinkedList.inl | |
Collection_Array.h | |
Collection_Array.inl | |
Collection_LinkedList.h | |
Collection_LinkedList.inl | |
Collection_stdforward_list.h | |
Collection_stdforward_list.inl | |
Collection_stdmultiset.h | |
DenseDataHyperRectangle_Vector.h | |
DenseDataHyperRectangle_Vector.inl | |
Deque_DoublyLinkedList.h | |
Deque_DoublyLinkedList.inl | |
KeyedCollection_Array.h | |
KeyedCollection_Array.inl | |
KeyedCollection_LinkedList.h | |
KeyedCollection_LinkedList.inl | |
KeyedCollection_stdhashset.h | |
KeyedCollection_stdhashset.inl | |
KeyedCollection_stdset.h | |
Mapping_Array.h | |
Mapping_Array.inl | |
Mapping_LinkedList.h | |
Mapping_LinkedList.inl | |
Mapping_stdhashmap.h | |
Mapping_stdhashmap.inl | |
Mapping_stdmap.h | |
MultiSet_Array.h | |
MultiSet_Array.inl | |
MultiSet_LinkedList.h | |
MultiSet_LinkedList.inl | |
MultiSet_stdmap.h | |
Queue_Array.h | |
Queue_Array.inl | |
Queue_DoublyLinkedList.h | |
Queue_DoublyLinkedList.inl | |
Sequence_Array.h | |
Sequence_Array.inl | |
Sequence_ChunkedArray.h | |
Sequence_DoublyLinkedList.h | |
Sequence_DoublyLinkedList.inl | |
Sequence_LinkedList.h | |
Sequence_LinkedList.inl | |
Sequence_SparseSortedMapping.h | |
Sequence_stdvector.h | |
Sequence_stdvector.inl | |
Set_Array.h | |
Set_Array.inl | |
Set_LinkedList.h | |
Set_LinkedList.inl | |
Set_stdset.h | |
SortedAssociation_SkipList.h | |
SortedAssociation_SkipList.inl | |
SortedAssociation_stdmultimap.h | |
SortedAssociation_stdmultimap.inl | |
SortedCollection_LinkedList.h | |
SortedCollection_LinkedList.inl | |
SortedCollection_SkipList.h | |
SortedCollection_SkipList.inl | |
SortedCollection_stdmultiset.h | |
SortedCollection_stdmultiset.inl | |
SortedKeyedCollection_SkipList.h | |
SortedKeyedCollection_SkipList.inl | |
SortedKeyedCollection_stdset.h | |
SortedKeyedCollection_stdset.inl | |
SortedMapping_SkipList.h | |
SortedMapping_SkipList.inl | |
SortedMapping_stdmap.h | |
SortedMapping_stdmap.inl | |
SortedMultiSet_SkipList.h | |
SortedMultiSet_SkipList.inl | |
SortedMultiSet_stdmap.h | |
SortedMultiSet_stdmap.inl | |
SortedSet_SkipList.h | |
SortedSet_SkipList.inl | |
SortedSet_stdset.h | |
SortedSet_stdset.inl | |
SparseDataHyperRectangle_stdmap.h | |
SparseDataHyperRectangle_stdmap.inl | |
Stack_LinkedList.h | |
Stack_LinkedList.inl | |
► DataStructures | |
Array.h | |
Array.inl | |
DoublyLinkedList.h | |
DoublyLinkedList.inl | |
LinkedList.h | |
LinkedList.inl | |
SkipList.h | |
SkipList.inl | |
STLContainerWrapper.h | |
STLContainerWrapper.inl | |
► DefaultTraits | |
MultiSet.h | |
SortedAssociation.h | |
► Factory | |
Association_Factory.h | |
Association_Factory.inl | |
Bijection_Factory.h | |
Bijection_Factory.inl | |
Collection_Factory.h | |
Collection_Factory.inl | |
DenseDataHyperRectangle_Factory.h | |
DenseDataHyperRectangle_Factory.inl | |
Deque_Factory.h | |
Deque_Factory.inl | |
KeyedCollection_Factory.h | |
KeyedCollection_Factory.inl | |
Mapping_Factory.h | |
Mapping_Factory.inl | |
MultiSet_Factory.h | |
MultiSet_Factory.inl | |
Queue_Factory.h | |
Queue_Factory.inl | |
Sequence_Factory.h | |
Sequence_Factory.inl | |
Set_Factory.h | |
Set_Factory.inl | |
SortedAssociation_Factory.h | |
SortedAssociation_Factory.inl | |
SortedCollection_Factory.h | |
SortedCollection_Factory.inl | |
SortedKeyedCollection_Factory.h | |
SortedKeyedCollection_Factory.inl | |
SortedMapping_Factory.h | |
SortedMapping_Factory.inl | |
SortedMultiSet_Factory.h | |
SortedMultiSet_Factory.inl | |
SortedSet_Factory.h | |
SortedSet_Factory.inl | |
SparseDataHyperRectangle_Factory.h | |
SparseDataHyperRectangle_Factory.inl | |
Stack_Factory.h | |
Stack_Factory.inl | |
► LockFreeDataStructures | |
forward_list.h | |
forward_list.inl | |
► Private | |
ArraySupport.h | |
ArraySupport.inl | |
IterableUtils.h | |
IterableUtils.inl | |
IteratorImplHelper.h | |
IteratorImplHelper.inl | |
SkipListSupport.h | |
SkipListSupport.inl | |
StdVectorSupport.h | |
StdVectorSupport.inl | |
► STL | |
Utilities.h | |
Utilities.inl | |
► Support | |
ReserveTweaks.h | |
ReserveTweaks.inl | |
Association.h | |
Association.inl | |
Bijection.h | |
Bijection.inl | |
Collection.h | |
Collection.inl | |
Common.h | |
Common.inl | |
DataHyperRectangle.h | |
DataHyperRectangle.inl | |
DenseDataHyperRectangle.h | |
DenseDataHyperRectangle.inl | |
Deque.h | |
Deque.inl | |
KeyedCollection.h | |
KeyedCollection.inl | |
Mapping.h | |
Mapping.inl | |
MultiSet.h | |
MultiSet.inl | |
PriorityQueue.h | |
PriorityQueue.inl | |
Queue.h | |
Queue.inl | |
Sequence.h | |
Sequence.inl | |
Set.h | |
Set.inl | |
SortedAssociation.h | |
SortedAssociation.inl | |
SortedCollection.h | |
SortedCollection.inl | |
SortedKeyedCollection.h | |
SortedKeyedCollection.inl | |
SortedMapping.h | |
SortedMapping.inl | |
SortedMultiSet.h | |
SortedMultiSet.inl | |
SortedSet.h | |
SortedSet.inl | |
SparseDataHyperRectangle.h | |
SparseDataHyperRectangle.inl | |
Stack.h | |
Stack.inl | |
► Cryptography | |
► Digest | |
► Algorithm | |
Algorithm.h | |
CRC32.cpp | |
CRC32.h | |
CRC32.inl | |
Jenkins.cpp | |
Jenkins.h | |
Jenkins.inl | |
MD5.cpp | |
MD5.h | |
MD5.inl | |
SuperFastHash.cpp | |
SuperFastHash.h | |
SuperFastHash.inl | |
Digester.h | |
Digester.inl | |
Hash.h | |
Hash.inl | |
HashBase.h | |
HashBase.inl | |
ResultTypes.h | |
ResultTypes.inl | |
► Encoding | |
► Algorithm | |
AES.cpp | |
AES.h | |
Base64.cpp | |
Base64.h | |
RC4.cpp | |
RC4.h | |
OpenSSLCryptoStream.cpp | |
OpenSSLCryptoStream.h | |
OpenSSLCryptoStream.inl | |
► PKI | |
Certificate.cpp | |
Certificate.h | |
PEMFile.cpp | |
PEMFile.h | PEM File is a data structure commonly used to store private keys, and or certificates (as well as several other things not currently supported here) |
PEMFile.inl | |
PrivateKey.cpp | |
PrivateKey.h | |
► Providers | |
► OpenSSL | |
Certificate.cpp | |
Certificate.h | |
Certificate.inl | |
CipherAlgorithm.cpp | |
CipherAlgorithm.h | |
CipherAlgorithm.inl | |
ClientContext.cpp | |
ClientContext.h | |
ClientContext.inl | |
DerivedKey.cpp | |
DerivedKey.h | |
DerivedKey.inl | |
DigestAlgorithm.cpp | |
DigestAlgorithm.h | |
DigestAlgorithm.inl | |
Exception.cpp | |
Exception.h | |
Exception.inl | |
LibraryContext.cpp | |
LibraryContext.h | |
LibraryContext.inl | |
PEMFile.cpp | |
PEMFile.h | |
PEMFile.inl | |
PrivateKey.cpp | |
PrivateKey.h | |
PrivateKey.inl | |
ServerContext.cpp | |
ServerContext.h | |
ServerContext.inl | |
SocketStream.cpp | |
SocketStream.h | |
SocketStream.inl | |
► SSL | |
ClientContext.cpp | |
ClientContext.h | |
Common.h | |
ServerContext.cpp | |
ServerContext.h | |
SocketStream.cpp | |
SocketStream.h | |
SocketStream.inl | |
Format.cpp | |
Format.h | |
Format.inl | |
► Database | |
► SQL | |
► ORM | |
Schema.cpp | |
Schema.h | |
Schema.inl | |
TableConnection.h | |
TableConnection.inl | |
Versioning.cpp | |
Versioning.h | |
Versioning.inl | |
Connection.cpp | |
Connection.h | |
Connection.inl | |
EngineProperties.h | |
EngineProperties.inl | |
ODBC.cpp | |
ODBC.h | |
ODBC.inl | |
SQLite.cpp | |
SQLite.h | |
SQLite.inl | |
Statement.cpp | |
Statement.h | |
Statement.inl | |
Transaction.h | |
Transaction.inl | |
Utils.cpp | |
Utils.h | |
Utils.inl | |
Exception.cpp | |
Exception.h | |
► DataExchange | |
► Archive | |
► 7z | |
Reader.cpp | |
Reader.h | |
► Zip | |
Reader.cpp | |
Reader.h | |
Reader.h | |
Reader.inl | |
► Compression | |
► Private_ | |
ZLibSupport.h | |
► Zip | |
Reader.cpp | |
Common.h | |
Common.inl | |
Deflate.cpp | |
Deflate.h | |
GZip.cpp | |
GZip.h | |
Reader.h | |
Reader.inl | |
► JSON | |
JWT.cpp | |
JWT.h | |
JWT.inl | |
Patch.cpp | |
Patch.h | |
Patch.inl | |
Pointer.cpp | |
Pointer.h | |
Pointer.inl | |
► StructuredStreamEvents | |
IConsumer.cpp | |
IConsumer.h | |
IConsumer.inl | |
Name.h | |
Name.inl | |
ObjectReader.cpp | |
ObjectReader.h | |
ObjectReader.inl | |
► Variant | |
► CharacterDelimitedLines | |
Reader.cpp | |
Reader.h | |
Reader.inl | |
Writer.cpp | |
Writer.h | |
Writer.inl | |
► FormURLEncoded | |
Reader.cpp | |
Reader.h | |
Reader.inl | |
Writer.cpp | |
Writer.h | |
Writer.inl | |
► INI | |
Profile.cpp | |
Profile.h | |
Profile.inl | |
Reader.cpp | |
Reader.h | |
Reader.inl | |
Writer.cpp | |
Writer.h | |
► JSON | |
Reader.cpp | |
Reader.h | |
Writer.cpp | |
Writer.h | |
► XML | |
Reader.cpp | |
Reader.h | |
Writer.cpp | |
Writer.h | |
Writer.inl | |
Reader.cpp | |
Reader.h | |
Reader.inl | |
Writer.cpp | |
Writer.h | |
Writer.inl | |
► XML | |
► Providers | |
IProvider.cpp | |
IProvider.h | |
LibXML2.cpp | |
LibXML2.h | |
Xerces.cpp | |
Xerces.h | |
Common.h | |
DOM.cpp | |
DOM.h | |
DOM.inl | |
Namespace.h | |
Namespace.inl | |
Resource.cpp | |
Resource.h | |
Resource.inl | |
SAXReader.cpp | |
SAXReader.h | |
SAXReader.inl | |
Schema.cpp | |
Schema.h | |
Schema.inl | |
SerializationConfiguration.cpp | |
SerializationConfiguration.h | |
SerializationConfiguration.inl | |
WriterUtils.cpp | |
WriterUtils.h | |
WriterUtils.inl | |
Atom.cpp | |
Atom.h | |
Atom.inl | |
BadFormatException.cpp | |
BadFormatException.h | |
BadFormatException.inl | |
CheckedConverter.h | |
CheckedConverter.inl | |
DefaultSerializer.h | |
DefaultSerializer.inl | |
InternetMediaType.cpp | |
InternetMediaType.h | |
InternetMediaType.inl | |
InternetMediaTypeNotSupportedException.h | |
InternetMediaTypeNotSupportedException.inl | |
InternetMediaTypeRegistry.cpp | |
InternetMediaTypeRegistry.h | |
InternetMediaTypeRegistry.inl | |
ObjectVariantMapper.cpp | |
ObjectVariantMapper.h | |
ObjectVariantMapper.inl | |
OptionsFile.cpp | |
OptionsFile.h | |
OptionsFile.inl | |
RecordNotFoundException.h | |
RecordNotFoundException.inl | |
StructFieldMetaInfo.cpp | |
StructFieldMetaInfo.h | |
StructFieldMetaInfo.inl | |
TypedBLOB.cpp | |
TypedBLOB.h | |
TypedBLOB.inl | |
ValidationStrategy.h | |
ValidationStrategy.inl | |
VariantValue.cpp | |
VariantValue.h | |
VariantValue.inl | |
► Debug | |
AssertExternallySynchronizedMutex.cpp | |
AssertExternallySynchronizedMutex.h | |
AssertExternallySynchronizedMutex.inl | |
Assertions.cpp | |
Assertions.h | |
BackTrace.cpp | |
BackTrace.h | |
Cast.h | |
Cast.inl | |
CompileTimeFlagChecker.h | |
CompileTimeFlagChecker.inl | |
Debugger.cpp | |
Debugger.h | |
Demangle.cpp | |
Demangle.h | |
Fatal.cpp | |
Fatal.h | |
Main.cpp | |
Main.h | |
MallocGuard.cpp | |
MallocGuard.h | |
MallocGuard.inl | |
Sanitizer.h | |
Sanitizer.inl | |
TimingTrace.h | |
TimingTrace.inl | |
Trace.cpp | |
Trace.h | |
Trace.inl | |
Valgrind.h | Include this file VERY EARLY ON - before including stuff like <cstdio> - to allow use of Valgrind (some features) |
Valgrind.inl | |
Visualizations.cpp | |
Visualizations.h | |
► Execution | |
► Platform | |
► POSIX | |
SemWaitableEvent.cpp | |
SemWaitableEvent.h | |
SemWaitableEvent.inl | |
SignalBlock.cpp | |
SignalBlock.h | |
SignalBlock.inl | |
Users.cpp | |
Users.h | |
► Windows | |
COM.h | |
COM.inl | |
CriticalSectionMutex.h | |
CriticalSectionMutex.inl | |
CriticalSectionRecursiveMutex.h | |
CriticalSectionRecursiveMutex.inl | |
Exception.cpp | |
Exception.h | |
Exception.inl | |
HRESULTErrorException.cpp | |
HRESULTErrorException.h | |
HRESULTErrorException.inl | |
StructuredException.cpp | |
StructuredException.h | |
StructuredException.inl | |
Users.cpp | |
Users.h | |
WaitSupport.cpp | |
WaitSupport.h | |
WaitSupport.inl | |
► Resources | |
► Concrete | |
CompiledResourceManager.cpp | |
CompiledResourceManager.h | |
CompiledResourceManager.inl | |
ElfResourceManager.cpp | |
ElfResourceManager.h | |
ElfResourceManager.inl | |
WindowsResourceManager.cpp | |
WindowsResourceManager.h | |
WindowsResourceManager.inl | |
Accessor.h | |
Accessor.inl | |
Manager.cpp | |
Manager.h | |
Manager.inl | |
Name.cpp | |
Name.h | |
Name.inl | |
ResourceNotFoundException.cpp | |
ResourceNotFoundException.h | |
AbortableMutex.cpp | |
AbortableMutex.h | |
AbortableMutex.inl | |
Activity.cpp | |
Activity.h | |
Activity.inl | |
Async.h | |
Async.inl | |
BlockingQueue.h | |
BlockingQueue.inl | |
CommandLine.cpp | |
CommandLine.h | |
CommandLine.inl | |
Common.h | |
ConditionVariable.h | |
ConditionVariable.inl | |
DLLSupport.cpp | |
DLLSupport.h | |
DLLSupport.inl | |
Exceptions.cpp | |
Exceptions.h | |
Exceptions.inl | |
FeatureNotSupportedException.cpp | |
FeatureNotSupportedException.h | |
Finally.h | |
Finally.inl | |
Function.h | |
Function.inl | |
IntervalTimer.cpp | |
IntervalTimer.h | |
IntervalTimer.inl | |
LazyInitialized.h | |
LazyInitialized.inl | |
Logger.cpp | |
Logger.h | |
Logger.inl | |
Module.cpp | |
Module.h | |
ModuleGetterSetter.h | |
ModuleGetterSetter.inl | |
ModuleInit.h | |
ModuleInit.inl | |
NullMutex.h | |
NullMutex.inl | |
OperationNotSupportedException.cpp | |
OperationNotSupportedException.h | |
PIDLoop.h | |
PIDLoop.inl | |
Process.cpp | |
Process.h | |
Process.inl | |
ProcessRunner.cpp | |
ProcessRunner.h | |
ProcessRunner.inl | |
ProgressMonitor.cpp | |
ProgressMonitor.h | |
ProgressMonitor.inl | |
RequiredComponentMissingException.cpp | |
RequiredComponentMissingException.h | |
RequiredComponentVersionMismatchException.cpp | |
RequiredComponentVersionMismatchException.h | |
SharedStaticData.cpp | |
SharedStaticData.h | |
SharedStaticData.inl | |
SignalHandlers.cpp | |
SignalHandlers.h | |
SignalHandlers.inl | |
Signals.cpp | |
Signals.h | |
Signals.inl | |
SilentException.cpp | |
SilentException.h | |
Sleep.cpp | |
Sleep.h | |
Sleep.inl | |
SpinLock.h | |
SpinLock.inl | |
Synchronized.cpp | |
Synchronized.h | |
Synchronized.inl | |
Thread.cpp | |
Thread.h | |
Thread.inl | |
ThreadPool.cpp | |
ThreadPool.h | |
ThreadPool.inl | |
Throw.cpp | |
Throw.h | |
Throw.inl | |
TimedLockGuard.h | |
TimedLockGuard.inl | |
TimeOutException.cpp | |
TimeOutException.h | |
TimeOutException.inl | |
UpdatableWaitForIOReady.h | |
UpdatableWaitForIOReady.inl | |
UserCanceledException.h | |
Users.cpp | |
Users.h | |
WaitableEvent.cpp | |
WaitableEvent.h | |
WaitableEvent.inl | |
WaitForIOReady.cpp | |
WaitForIOReady.h | |
WaitForIOReady.inl | |
WhenTimeExceeded.h | |
WhenTimeExceeded.inl | |
► IO | |
► FileSystem | |
Common.h | |
Common.inl | |
DirectoryIterable.cpp | |
DirectoryIterable.h | |
DirectoryIterable.inl | |
DirectoryIterator.cpp | |
DirectoryIterator.h | |
DirectoryIterator.inl | |
Disk.cpp | |
Disk.h | |
Disk.inl | |
Exception.cpp | |
Exception.h | |
Exception.inl | |
FileInputStream.cpp | |
FileInputStream.h | |
FileInputStream.inl | |
FileOutputStream.cpp | |
FileOutputStream.h | |
FileOutputStream.inl | |
FileStream.h | |
FileStream.inl | |
FileSystem.cpp | |
FileSystem.h | |
FileSystem.inl | |
FileUtils.cpp | |
FileUtils.h | |
FileUtils.inl | |
MemoryMappedFileReader.cpp | |
MemoryMappedFileReader.h | |
MemoryMappedFileReader.inl | |
MountedFilesystem.cpp | |
MountedFilesystem.h | |
MountedFilesystem.inl | |
PathName.cpp | |
PathName.h | |
PathName.inl | |
TemporaryFile.cpp | |
TemporaryFile.h | |
TemporaryFile.inl | |
ThroughTmpFileWriter.cpp | |
ThroughTmpFileWriter.h | |
ThroughTmpFileWriter.inl | |
WellKnownLocations.cpp | |
WellKnownLocations.h | |
► Network | |
► HTTP | |
CacheControl.cpp | |
CacheControl.h | |
CacheControl.inl | |
ClientErrorException.cpp | |
ClientErrorException.h | |
ClientErrorException.inl | |
ContentEncoding.cpp | |
ContentEncoding.h | |
ContentEncoding.inl | |
Cookie.cpp | |
Cookie.h | |
Cookie.inl | |
ETag.h | |
ETag.inl | |
Exception.cpp | |
Exception.h | |
Exception.inl | |
Headers.cpp | |
Headers.h | |
Headers.inl | |
IfNoneMatch.h | |
IfNoneMatch.inl | |
KeepAlive.cpp | |
KeepAlive.h | |
KeepAlive.inl | |
MessageStartTextInputStreamBinaryAdapter.cpp | |
MessageStartTextInputStreamBinaryAdapter.h | |
Methods.h | |
Methods.inl | |
Request.cpp | |
Request.h | |
Request.inl | |
Response.cpp | |
Response.h | |
Response.inl | |
Status.h | |
Status.inl | |
TransferEncoding.cpp | |
TransferEncoding.h | |
TransferEncoding.inl | |
Versions.h | |
Versions.inl | |
► InternetProtocol | |
ICMP.cpp | |
ICMP.h | |
ICMP.inl | |
IP.cpp | |
IP.h | |
IP.inl | |
► Platform | |
► Windows | |
WinSock.cpp | |
WinSock.h | |
WinSock.inl | |
► SOAP | |
Fault.cpp | |
Fault.h | |
Fault.inl | |
► Transfer | |
Cache.cpp | |
Cache.h | |
Cache.inl | |
Connection.cpp | |
Connection.h | |
Connection.inl | |
Connection_libcurl.cpp | |
Connection_libcurl.h | |
Connection_libcurl.inl | |
Connection_WinHTTP.cpp | |
Connection_WinHTTP.h | |
Connection_WinHTTP.inl | |
ConnectionPool.cpp | |
ConnectionPool.h | |
ConnectionPool.inl | |
Exception.cpp | |
Exception.h | |
Exception.inl | |
Request.cpp | |
Request.h | |
Request.inl | |
Response.cpp | |
Response.h | |
Response.inl | |
CIDR.cpp | |
CIDR.h | |
CIDR.inl | |
ConnectionlessSocket.cpp | |
ConnectionlessSocket.h | |
ConnectionlessSocket.inl | |
ConnectionOrientedMasterSocket.cpp | |
ConnectionOrientedMasterSocket.h | |
ConnectionOrientedMasterSocket.inl | |
ConnectionOrientedStreamSocket.cpp | |
ConnectionOrientedStreamSocket.h | |
ConnectionOrientedStreamSocket.inl | |
DNS.cpp | |
DNS.h | |
DNS.inl | |
Interface.cpp | |
Interface.h | |
Interface.inl | |
InternetAddress.cpp | |
InternetAddress.h | |
InternetAddress.inl | |
LinkMonitor.cpp | |
LinkMonitor.h | |
LinkMonitor.inl | |
Listener.cpp | |
Listener.h | |
Listener.inl | |
Neighbors.cpp | |
Neighbors.h | |
Neighbors.inl | |
Port.h | |
Socket-Private_.h | |
Socket.cpp | |
Socket.h | |
Socket.inl | |
SocketAddress.cpp | |
SocketAddress.h | |
SocketAddress.inl | |
SocketStream.cpp | |
SocketStream.h | |
SocketStream.inl | |
SystemFirewall.cpp | |
SystemFirewall.h | |
SystemFirewall.inl | |
UniformResourceIdentification.cpp | |
UniformResourceIdentification.h | |
UniformResourceIdentification.inl | |
URI.cpp | |
URI.h | |
URI.inl | |
AccessMode.h | |
AccessMode.inl | |
► Linguistics | |
MessageUtilities.cpp | |
MessageUtilities.h | |
MessageUtilities.inl | |
Words.cpp | |
Words.h | |
► Math | |
► LinearAlgebra | |
Matrix.h | |
Matrix.inl | |
Vector.h | |
Vector.inl | |
► Optimization | |
DownhillSimplexMinimization.h | |
DownhillSimplexMinimization.inl | |
Angle.h | |
Angle.inl | |
Common.cpp | |
Common.h | |
Common.inl | |
ReBin.h | |
ReBin.inl | |
Statistics.h | |
Statistics.inl | |
► Memory | |
► Platform | |
► Windows | |
Handle.h | |
Handle.inl | |
Bits.h | |
Bits.inl | |
BLOB.cpp | |
BLOB.h | |
BLOB.inl | |
BlockAllocated.h | |
BlockAllocated.inl | |
BlockAllocator.cpp | |
BlockAllocator.h | |
BlockAllocator.inl | |
Common.cpp | |
Common.h | |
Common.inl | |
InlineBuffer.h | |
InlineBuffer.inl | |
MemoryAllocator.cpp | |
MemoryAllocator.h | |
MemoryAllocator.inl | |
ObjectFieldUtilities.h | |
ObjectFieldUtilities.inl | |
Optional.h | |
Optional.inl | |
SharedByValue.h | |
SharedByValue.inl | |
SharedPtr.h | |
SharedPtr.inl | |
StackBuffer.h | |
► Streams | |
► iostream | |
CommonInsertersAndExtractors.h | |
CommonInsertersAndExtractors.inl | |
FStreamSupport.cpp | |
FStreamSupport.h | |
InputStreamFromStdIStream.h | |
InputStreamFromStdIStream.inl | |
OutputStreamFromStdOStream.h | |
OutputStreamFromStdOStream.inl | |
SerializeItemToBLOB.h | |
SerializeItemToBLOB.inl | |
Utilities.cpp | |
Utilities.h | |
BinaryToText.cpp | |
BinaryToText.h | |
BinaryToText.inl | |
BufferedInputStream.h | |
BufferedInputStream.inl | |
BufferedOutputStream.h | |
BufferedOutputStream.inl | |
Copy.h | |
Copy.inl | |
EOFException.cpp | |
EOFException.h | |
EOFException.inl | |
EWouldBlock.h | |
EWouldBlock.inl | |
ExternallyOwnedMemoryInputStream.h | |
ExternallyOwnedSpanInputStream.h | |
ExternallyOwnedSpanInputStream.inl | |
InputOutputStream.h | |
InputOutputStream.inl | |
InputStream.cpp | |
InputStream.h | |
InputStream.inl | |
InputStreamDelegationHelper.h | |
InputStreamDelegationHelper.inl | |
InputSubStream.h | |
InputSubStream.inl | |
InternallySynchronizedInputOutputStream.h | |
InternallySynchronizedInputOutputStream.inl | |
InternallySynchronizedInputStream.h | |
InternallySynchronizedInputStream.inl | |
InternallySynchronizedOutputStream.h | |
InternallySynchronizedOutputStream.inl | |
IterableToInputStream.h | |
IterableToInputStream.inl | |
LoggingInputOutputStream.h | |
LoggingInputOutputStream.inl | |
MemoryStream.cpp | |
MemoryStream.h | |
MemoryStream.inl | |
OutputStream.h | |
OutputStream.inl | |
SharedMemoryStream.h | |
SharedMemoryStream.inl | |
SplitterOutputStream.h | |
SplitterOutputStream.inl | |
Stream.h | |
Stream.inl | |
StreamReader.h | |
StreamReader.inl | |
TextReader.h | |
TextToBinary.cpp | |
TextToBinary.h | |
TextToBinary.inl | |
TextToByteReader.h | |
TextWriter.h | |
ToSeekableInputStream.h | |
ToSeekableInputStream.inl | |
► Time | |
Clock.h | |
Clock.inl | |
Common.h | |
Common.inl | |
Date.cpp | |
Date.h | |
Date.inl | |
DateTime.cpp | |
DateTime.h | |
DateTime.inl | |
Duration.cpp | |
Duration.h | |
Duration.inl | |
Realtime.h | |
Realtime.inl | |
TimeOfDay.cpp | |
TimeOfDay.h | |
TimeOfDay.inl | |
Timezone.cpp | |
Timezone.h | |
Timezone.inl | |
► Traversal | |
BidirectionalIterator.h | |
BidirectionalIterator.inl | |
Common.h | |
Common.inl | |
DelegatedIterator.h | |
DelegatedIterator.inl | |
DiscreteRange.h | |
DiscreteRange.inl | |
DisjointDiscreteRange.h | |
DisjointDiscreteRange.inl | |
DisjointRange.h | |
DisjointRange.inl | |
FunctionalApplication.h | |
FunctionalApplication.inl | |
Generator.h | |
Generator.inl | |
Iterable.h | |
Iterable.inl | |
IterableFromIterator.h | |
IterableFromIterator.inl | |
Iterator.h | |
Iterator.inl | |
Partition.h | |
Partition.inl | |
RandomAccessIterator.h | |
RandomAccessIterator.inl | |
Range.h | |
Range.inl | |
StroikaPreComp.h | |
▼ Frameworks | |
► Auth | |
► OAuth | |
Client.cpp | |
Client.h | |
Client.inl | |
Configuration.cpp | |
Configuration.h | |
Configuration.inl | |
CurrentIdentity.h | |
CurrentIdentity.inl | |
Interceptor.h | |
Interceptor.inl | |
► Led | |
► Platform | |
ATL.h | |
MFC.cpp | |
MFC.h | |
MFC.inl | |
MFC_WordProcessor.cpp | |
MFC_WordProcessor.h | |
Windows.cpp | |
Windows.h | |
Windows_FileRegistration.cpp | |
Windows_FileRegistration.h | |
► StyledTextIO | |
StyledTextIO.cpp | |
StyledTextIO.h | |
StyledTextIO_HTML.cpp | |
StyledTextIO_HTML.h | |
StyledTextIO_LedNative.cpp | |
StyledTextIO_LedNative.h | |
StyledTextIO_MIMETextEnriched.cpp | |
StyledTextIO_MIMETextEnriched.h | |
StyledTextIO_PlainText.cpp | |
StyledTextIO_PlainText.h | |
StyledTextIO_RTF.cpp | |
StyledTextIO_RTF.h | |
BiDiLayoutEngine.cpp | |
BiDiLayoutEngine.h | |
BiDiLayoutEngine.inl | |
ChunkedArrayTextStore.cpp | |
ChunkedArrayTextStore.h | |
ChunkedArrayTextStore.inl | |
Command.cpp | |
Command.h | |
Command.inl | |
Config.h | |
FlavorPackage.cpp | |
FlavorPackage.h | |
FlavorPackage.inl | |
GDI.cpp | |
GDI.h | |
GDI.inl | |
HandySimple.cpp | |
HandySimple.h | |
HandySimple.inl | |
HiddenText.cpp | |
HiddenText.h | |
HiddenText.inl | |
IdleManager.cpp | |
IdleManager.h | |
IdleManager.inl | |
LineBasedPartition.cpp | |
LineBasedPartition.h | |
LineBasedPartition.inl | |
Marker.cpp | |
Marker.h | |
Marker.inl | |
MarkerCover.h | |
MarkerCover.inl | |
MultiRowTextImager.cpp | |
MultiRowTextImager.h | |
MultiRowTextImager.inl | |
PartitioningTextImager.cpp | |
PartitioningTextImager.h | |
PartitioningTextImager.inl | |
SimpleLed.cpp | |
SimpleLed.h | |
SimpleLed.inl | |
SimpleTextImager.cpp | |
SimpleTextImager.h | |
SimpleTextImager.inl | |
SimpleTextInteractor.cpp | |
SimpleTextInteractor.h | |
SimpleTextInteractor.inl | |
SimpleTextStore.cpp | |
SimpleTextStore.h | |
SimpleTextStore.inl | |
SpellCheckEngine.h | |
SpellCheckEngine.inl | |
SpellCheckEngine_Basic.cpp | |
SpellCheckEngine_Basic.h | |
SpellCheckEngine_Basic.inl | |
StandardStyledTextImager.cpp | |
StandardStyledTextImager.h | |
StandardStyledTextImager.inl | |
StandardStyledTextInteractor.cpp | |
StandardStyledTextInteractor.h | |
StandardStyledTextInteractor.inl | |
StdDialogs.cpp | |
StdDialogs.h | |
StdDialogs.inl | |
StyledTextEmbeddedObjects.cpp | |
StyledTextEmbeddedObjects.h | |
StyledTextEmbeddedObjects.inl | |
StyledTextImager.cpp | |
StyledTextImager.h | |
StyledTextImager.inl | |
Support.cpp | |
Support.h | |
Support.inl | |
SyntaxColoring.cpp | |
SyntaxColoring.h | |
SyntaxColoring.inl | |
TextBreaks.cpp | |
TextBreaks.h | |
TextBreaks.inl | |
TextImager.cpp | |
TextImager.h | |
TextImager.inl | |
TextInteractor.cpp | |
TextInteractor.h | |
TextInteractor.inl | |
TextInteractorMixins.cpp | |
TextInteractorMixins.h | |
TextInteractorMixIns.inl | |
TextStore.cpp | |
TextStore.h | |
TextStore.inl | |
WordProcessor.cpp | |
WordProcessor.h | |
WordProcessor.inl | |
WordWrappedTextImager.cpp | |
WordWrappedTextImager.h | |
WordWrappedTextImager.inl | |
WordWrappedTextInteractor.cpp | |
WordWrappedTextInteractor.h | |
WordWrappedTextInteractor.inl | |
► Modbus | |
IModbusService.cpp | |
IModbusService.h | |
IModbusService.inl | |
Server.cpp | |
Server.h | |
Server.inl | |
► NetworkMonitor | |
Ping.cpp | |
Ping.h | |
Ping.inl | |
Traceroute.cpp | |
Traceroute.h | |
Traceroute.inl | |
► Service | |
Main.cpp | |
Main.h | |
Main.inl | |
► SystemPerformance | |
► Instruments | |
CPU.cpp | |
CPU.h | |
Filesystem.cpp | |
Filesystem.h | |
Memory.cpp | |
Memory.h | |
Network.cpp | |
Network.h | |
Process.cpp | |
Process.h | |
► Support | |
InstrumentHelpers.h | |
InstrumentHelpers.inl | |
WMICollector.cpp | |
WMICollector.h | |
WMICollector.inl | |
AllInstruments.cpp | |
AllInstruments.h | |
Capturer.cpp | |
Capturer.h | |
Capturer.inl | |
CaptureSet.cpp | |
CaptureSet.h | |
CaptureSet.inl | |
Instrument.cpp | |
Instrument.h | |
Instrument.inl | |
Measurement.cpp | |
Measurement.h | |
Measurement.inl | |
MeasurementSet.h | |
MeasurementSet.inl | |
► Test | |
ArchtypeClasses.cpp | |
ArchtypeClasses.h | |
TestHarness.cpp | |
TestHarness.h | |
► UPnP | |
► SSDP | |
► Client | |
CachingListener.cpp | |
CachingListener.h | |
CachingListener.inl | |
Listener.cpp | |
Listener.h | |
Listener.inl | |
Search.cpp | |
Search.h | |
Search.inl | |
► Server | |
BasicServer.cpp | |
BasicServer.h | |
BasicServer.inl | |
PeriodicNotifier.cpp | |
PeriodicNotifier.h | |
PeriodicNotifier.inl | |
SearchResponder.cpp | |
SearchResponder.h | |
SearchResponder.inl | |
Advertisement.cpp | |
Advertisement.h | |
Advertisement.inl | |
Common.cpp | |
Common.h | |
Common.inl | |
Device.cpp | |
Device.h | |
Device.inl | |
DeviceDescription.cpp | |
DeviceDescription.h | |
DeviceDescription.inl | |
► WebServer | |
Connection.cpp | |
Connection.h | |
Connection.inl | |
ConnectionManager.cpp | |
ConnectionManager.h | |
ConnectionManager.inl | |
CORS.cpp | |
CORS.h | |
CORS.inl | |
DefaultFaultInterceptor.cpp | |
DefaultFaultInterceptor.h | |
DefaultFaultInterceptor.inl | |
FileSystemRequestHandler.cpp | |
FileSystemRequestHandler.h | |
FileSystemRequestHandler.inl | |
Interceptor.cpp | |
Interceptor.h | |
Interceptor.inl | |
InterceptorChain.cpp | |
InterceptorChain.h | |
InterceptorChain.inl | |
LoggingInterceptor.cpp | |
LoggingInterceptor.h | |
LoggingInterceptor.inl | |
Message.cpp | |
Message.h | |
Message.inl | |
Request.cpp | |
Request.h | |
Request.inl | |
RequestHandler.cpp | |
RequestHandler.h | |
RequestHandler.inl | |
Response.cpp | |
Response.h | |
Response.inl | |
Router.cpp | |
Router.h | |
Router.inl | |
► WebService | |
► OpenAPI | |
Specification.cpp | |
Specification.h | |
Specification.inl | |
► Server | |
Basic.cpp | |
Basic.h | |
Basic.inl | |
ObjectRequestHandler.cpp | |
ObjectRequestHandler.h | |
ObjectRequestHandler.inl | |
VariantValue.cpp | |
VariantValue.h | |
VariantValue.inl | |
Basic.h | |
Basic.inl | |
JSONRPC.cpp | |
JSONRPC.inl | |
StroikaPreComp.h |